Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ah insomnia, how are you?

As I mentioned earlier I've been having a bit if a rough day. I didn't really sleep at all last night and today I felt so sore and my muscles felt so heavy that I knew I was over tired aswell.

So I took my nighttime medications around 20:45 thereabouts and nothing. No relief nor hint of the sweet release of sleep
 I feel like a snake curled up, head in the air, ready to strike. My Mum has been absolutely fantastic today. She never makes me feel guilty when my Endo flares up and I can't do basic chores. She actually told me to "stop saying sorry". Do as you're told I guess.

Anyway, I digress. Here are some photos of my"Endo face ",  taken about two hours ago".

Stay strong my Sisters. Love you all. XxxxX

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