Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Day 6 of Endometriosis Awareness Month

Day 6 of #theendophotochallenge2018

Years with Endo.

I've been diagnosed through surgery with Stage IV Endometriosis for almost 15 years now.

However, I've been suffering for 23 years with strong symptoms and have been dismissed along the way, at one point the professionals had me believing that the pain was all "in my head".

Even after I was diagnosed people still didn't believe how badly I was suffering bar one and she knows who she is. She has stuck beside me through every treatment decision, fought hard for Doctors to take me seriously and ultimately get me my diagnosis.

She has been through every up and down with me, talking surgical and treatment options over with me time and time again to make sure that I could live with my choices as over the years the sacrifices have just gotten bigger and not necessarily for the best. But up or down, stormy or calm she's always been there when others have scoffed or simply walked away because my diagnosis was just "too much for them to handle".

You need a support system with this disease, wherever you can find it, but you need one nonetheless.

Stay positive and I'll see you tomorrow for the next challenge.
