Friday, May 10, 2013

Herbal Remedies and Endo?

Is it possible for Herbal Remedies, some of which we can grow ourselves, to ease the pain of Endometriosis? I found this photo and thought it summed up how we feel about Medicine as a whole.

Of course it's possible, anything is. Our dreams are possible so why not the believe that a natural remedy could aid us in our fight against this sometimes unbearable condition.

Get thee to for really helpful tips and tricks to cope with Endometriosis. 

• K3, midway between inside anklebone and Achilles tendon in back of ankle
• St36, four fingers below kneecap, one finger outside shinbone.
• CV4, four fingers below belly button.
• B27 and B34, sacral points at base of spine.
• CV6, three fingers below belly button.
• Sp12 and Sp13, middle of pelvic crease where leg joins trunk.

Herbs for Endometriosis

Cramp Bark,
dandelion leaves
and burdock root
have all be acclaimed "Endo Herbs".  

Chaste Tree tincture has recorded results in balancing oestrogen production. I have used this tincture myself after coming off hormone treatment and it definitely aided in balancing my body out again. I took 20 drops in a little water three times a day. 

I'm not in any way saying Herbs will cure your Endo, make your life better or rid you of all pain. I'm merely making a point that it's possible!

I'm sure you are all sick and tired of being poked and prodded, going through horrid side effects from Hormone Treatments, being scarred on the inside and outside from surgeries and adhesions, implants and growths. 

Wouldn't it be nice if we could find a remedy to ease our pain naturally?

Update on "Your Story"

Hi guys,

Just a quick update. I've got a few lovely ladies willing to share their story. I want them to write it out in their own words and then I shall add the appropriate photo's with their permission and add as a post to the blog.
Going to set up a page purely for "Your Story Here" so you can access it easily.

If you are interested in sharing your story e-mail me at or leave a comment and I'll get back to you.

Stay strong my Endo Sisters.

Much love and Blessings to you all
