Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Talking to Endo

You've been a part of me for so long that sometimes I can forget you're there. But then you remind me by doing your usual trick. Hurting me the way you do, on this daily basis I am trapped. I am your prisoner. Your hold over me is strong and for you to go is not an option.

We've tried different treatments over the years to help us have an amicable separation but you just won't let go.

You've scarred me for life, you tire me out and you don't apologise to anyone. I have to make the excuses for you all of the time.

Through the agony, blood, sweat and tears I have cursed your name many a time. The stronger you are the weaker I feel.

I knew our paths would cross from an early age. You have tortured my family for years. First, my Mother then my Aunt and now me.
There are 176 million of my Sisters you have tortured along your way and you will continue to do do.

But, what you didn't count on, what you're not prepared for is us fighting back against you.

Yes, my dear dear Endometriosis you may be part of me but you do not define me and I am going to fight you all of the way. Of course some days you may be more powerful than I but I will conserve my energy and remain positive. I will speak out against you. I will encourage any Woman who has your symptoms to be checked by a G.P please and I will pledge here and now that I will never stop fighting you or supporting those in the medical and non medical communities who are constantly researching and testing treatments out and are also trying to develop an early detection test for the future.

This battle is far from over my friend. You see I am what we call an Endo Warrior, backed by my family, friends and Endo Sister's and you well let's just say your number's almost up.

You can't isolate me anymore. I've a strong network of support and love shown to me each and everyday. Even when you are pulling my body apart and stabbing my back. When you cause me so much pain I faint, or I can't eat or sleep I just think to myself words my very wise Mum comforts me with "It won't always be this way".

Sometimes you hurt me more that others but I will bear it. I will get through. Because you don't get to control me anymore. I'm taking back a piece for me. I'm trying to find my strength again with you.

But in the meantime, I will tell as many people as I can about you. Educating people about what you are and do is my goal as always. The more the public are aware, the more this taboo about Endometriosis will be lifted.

You are my demon I must fight. Constantly having little jibes at me. But I will not fight you alone. #Endometriosis #Endo

Love to my Endo Sister's XxxxX