Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Nerves are mounting

"Success is hard to find, but failure is not to try" - Ryan Sheridan

Yes I did just quote song lyrics. This line always comes into mind whenever. I feel I'm in way over my head or that I'm getting anxious or cold feet about a project. I had to commit to the Endo t-shirts today and although this on its own is not a huge task the importance of raising awareness through this medium and fundraising for the EAI (Endometriosis Association of Ireland) is slightly daunting this year.

I think the pressure is really on this year because there is such a focus on Endo globally and everyone is rallying around that no one wants to let the team down.

So as part of Team Ireland I intend to do my part, make my voice heard and turn that nervousness into positive energy.

I will be attending the information day on the 08th March at the Spa Hotel, Lucan and I'm also holding amy very first mini March on the 13th in Dublin City Centre, starting on O'Connell Street and ending up near Dublin Castle. Bring a friend,  your family. All are welcome!  Most of all, bring your voices, energy, smiles and cameras.

Let's all do our bit for National Endometriosis Awareness Month.

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