Sunday, March 16, 2014

Enjoy the good times.

I'm writing this post feeling ecstatic as Ireland have just won the Six Nations Championship Rugby.

It was a close game, fantastic rugby and with all three final matches on over the one day quite a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I have the pleasure of sharing my passion for Rugby with my Mum and I wasn't in pain yesterday so it was fantastic to be able to enjoy something as simple as that. Although it was edge of the seat, on our feet screaming at the end, clapping and hugging each other like we'd just won a war. It was great to have this memory and know that my Endo for once had no part in the day. It's just a lovely, positive day to remember. It's also pretty cool that it fell on the weekend of St. Patrick's Day. Another reason to wear the green and be proud to be Irish.

At the moment I am doing well pain wise. I have a few niggles but I'm holding my own. I do feel very drained and my shoulders are heavy but I like to keep positive and enjoy these moments as much as I can. Endo is pretty much always going to be there whether it's right in your face screaming for attention or its in the background taunting you, waiting to make its move. We need to stay mentally strong when fighting this illness. I know there are days, weeks even months where we will feel it will never end but it is truly amazing what your mindframe can do to keep you fighting fit. I don't mean to sound preachy in the slightest. It's just something I've figured out over the years. Our bodies are built to withstand an awful lot and I for one would rather fight till the final whistle than put ny head down and admit defeat.

Love to my Endo Sister's, my family and friends XxxxX

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