Anyway, got the bloods done, turns out I'm also very low in iron & apparently not looking after myself properly according to the nurse & two Doctors I seen in my time at the hospital.
The nurse literally got 2ml of blood from my arm, told me that my veins had collapsed & I was left with a nice set of bruises in the crook of my elbow. After a quick chat with the lab it turns out this is enough to run the test so we we're happy with that.
Then seen two different Doctors. The first got called away to Maternity for an emergency & the second Doctor (John) was so nice & helpful. Went through everything with me & came to the conclusion that my cycle had just been a very short one this month, prescribed Provera 10mg three a day for one week & then back to the Clomid once the new cycle starts.
He answered all of our questions, done an internal exam, checked out my BP, which was alright-ish & gave me a slight lecture about needing to take time for myself, to look after myself properly, not to be basically going along the way I was as my dizziness, weeping, hormones, pain in my lower back, headaches & most likely the length & heaviness of the bleeding is most likely due to stress coupled with the treatment.
So..this week I have been trying to take a step back from certain activities like heavy DIY & lifting. Which to be honest has been very difficult in a way because I pride myself on being a "hands on" person especially around the house. I feel like I'm getting looks from other members of the household that I'm not diving in the way I usually do but I have been up front, they know what's going on. I mean how else does one explain bursting into tears when they are just looked at or asked a very simple question.
I'm on Day 4 of the provera & still waiting on the bleeding to stop. The hormone"strops" are not really easing. I just seem to be like some sort of switch; crying one minute & snapping for absolutely no reason the next. It's a little ridiculous to be honest but I keep reminding myself of the purpose which most of the time keeps me going. I'm very lucky that I have such an understanding partner with me through all of this & that my family do their best to understand that I'm not always going to be bright & bubbly.
Sometimes I feel like my body has been taken over my some foreign entity & I'm getting dragged apart in the process while it has it's evil way with my emotions.
The fact that there is a chance that these treatments may cause more problems for me with the Endo that is still active has not been lost on me. However, there comes a time where we all have to learn to prioritize & now my fertility is more important.
I feel that I've been put in a position through my own choices where I've now had to put any treatment for Endo on the back burner as such & go ahead with fertility treatments in the hope of conceiving. I just trust it's the right choice for us, at this time.