Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jealous of my Endo? Wanna swap??

Over the years I have noticed increasingly that certain people are actually jealous of my Endo. They seem to think that I get more attention than them because I have this disease even though I am a very private person & only my family & close friends know the full extent of my day to day challenge.

Do people really understand what is to be diagnosed with a disease you can't control that affects you so much? I don't think they do, especially people who have never been ill in their life. If anyone should be jealous it surely is those who suffer pain & stress & anguish over certain aspects of their life because of their own diseases & not those who in our eyes have a full clean bill of health.

I cannot imagine why anyone would wish this illness on themselves or any other for that matter. It is a constant 24/7 disease & does have an affect on most parts of your daily life.

For those who have this disease just know that you must stay positive throughout, even though it is very difficult at times, ignore people who think your getting more attention than them & believe me when I say that you will find out who your true friends really are.