But, today, well technically yesterday now was a very special. Birthday for my little cousin. She turned 22 and for reasons I don't need to mention it's been the first birthday I've been around for in a very long time.But it certainly won't be the last.
It was so relaxing to spend that time with my.relatives. I was determined.to get over to her (she lives across the city of Dublin) and I'm so pleased that we (Mum and I) got to see her.
We got a few pictures (I whip out the ever reliable phone) It was nice to be around family. They are all so supportive. From my Mum and Sister, to my Aunt/ Fairy Godmother, Uncle and cousins, especially my little one. She's also a friend. (pic below)
Mum, Aunt,Cousin (and myself) the genetic link's concrete begins to set for my family. But there is always hope. We will keep an eye on both my little Sister and Cousin. My Mum and Aunt have been diagnosed, countless surgeries and both had hysterectomy's as they were lead to believe this was the "cure".
I'm rambling as usual. I guess I just wanted to put up a positive post. I am truly blessed with the supportive and understanding people I have in my life. They don't judge me or make me feel weak for having a tough day. I think we all need a form of support around us when tackling Endo.
I am so blessed with the family and friends I have I'm my life who don't look at me any differently because of Endo. I mean it doesn't change my personality.
I have found out over the years who's willing to stick it out and who isn't? If you're going to treat me like a porcelain. Doll because of Endo then we cannot be friends. Do not fuss.
Rambling again, sorry
Ok I will leave you guys with this quote.
"I would rather go through all of the ages with just one true friend if it would save the heartache of a lifetime of mistrust"A.A.C
Our awareness. T-shirts.will be ready this rweek by the way.
Can't wait to show you guys :-)
(It's 04:50 here in Ireland, I better try sleep)
Stay safe as always my.lively Endo Sister's
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