Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I've talked a lot about treatments, symptoms & in general how living with Endometriosis  makes me feel but I haven't really gone through any tips/tricks for "coping" with this disease.
A low stress life it obviously ideal for anyone but very few actually have one. We all suffer from some form of stress in our daily lives.

So what do we do when we're having a rough day, feeling crap, going through side-effects, having a really bad day, week or month?
Wishing you could be off on a tropical island somewhere is great, even better if you happen to have one you can go to. But for daily de-stressing do we really take enough time for ourselves? Probably not if your anything like me, you're lucky if you feel "selfish" enough to take a long bath never mind actually taking time for yourself, for your own needs & doing things purely because it helps you to deal with stress, strains or just to enable you to actually feel a bit better about your situation.

This is not said to just those Endo sufferers out there but also to everyone who has someone in their lives with this "invisible disease", those who are supporting their loved ones & just in general everyone who does not take the time to look after their physical, emotional & mental health.

What you chose to help relax yourself is up to the individual. Whether, it's meditation, yoga, deep breathing, visualization, massage or some other technique. It's all about figuring out what suits YOU.

Remember this though; Relaxation can only occur if we are not constantly worrying what other people are saying or doing.

I'm not in any way saying just dismiss people if they happen to criticize you but rather to not let it disturb your inner calm. Learn how to deal with the negative along with the positive & you will be able to de-stress & relax a lot easier. trust me. I have spent far too long listening or worrying about what other's say & think about me & this led to a panic disorder getting way out of control, to the point I couldn't leave the house & then my bedroom became the only place I felt truly safe. I had to lock the door even during the day. I just couldn't cope with the outside world or the world of my home. This was an extreme situation with extreme circumstances that I wont delve into here but just know that it is so important to deal with your mental & emotional health when you feel those first cracks & not to leave it or push it to the back of your mind thinking things will fix themselves or "I'm just having a bad day today" which turns into a week & month & so on.

I'm not saying we all don't get those bad days & they are literally just a day but if it's an ongoing situation you really should talk to someone or get checked out by your G.P.

As far as "coping" with Endo goes I really can't say how you do it. 

For me, every decision has been taken one step at a time. I've gone with my gut instinct on most & maybe some where wrong. I mean I certainly have regrets. For instance, I somehow had it in my head that at eighteen by the time I was twenty five I wouldn't be suffering as badly, that the pain would have gone, I wouldn't have these issues with my health any more. Oh how wrong I was & at about three years into dealing with surgeries, treatments and what not I completely broke down realizing it was a much longer road ahead than I had first anticipated.

Now, I try to talk each day as it comes, certainly talk more to my loved ones and supporters. Of course I get stressed and worried but I cannot predict the future so therefore I've have to take a small step back and as my Mum says "what's for you won't pass you".

Would I love to be a Mother? Yes! But there are still plenty of options out there for us.

Would I love to not have pain daily? Why of course, but the reality is quite different.

I'm trying to take as much positivity as I can each day and for me that's how I get through. It doesn't mean that there aren't days I'm curled up crying from the pain or that I have down day's where I just feel overwhelmed because I don't know what will happen at my next appointment or even the next month but the trick for me is my inner strength and talking to those around me who love and support me.

Just try take some time for yourself and find out what relaxation technique best suits YOU!

Stay positive and strong my beloved Endo Sisters. I wish you all well.


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